The time in your life when you are morphing from a helpless child to an independent teenager. The time when your body is going through some unexpected changes and hormone levels are at their most brutal. The time where making friends and needing a strong support system are essential to not only surviving, but thriving.

Oh my goodness, I remember this time for myself like it was yesterday. I remember all of the trial and tribulation s of being myself and trying to fit in all at the same time. As I have traveled on the journey of my life, I have learned many lessons the hard way. Lessons I hope to install in my daughter at an early age. Lessons I hope to teach other young adults through my business as a photographer. It is my desire that I show young adults what living your best life is all about. I live an amazing life full of passion and joy, however it took me way to many years to get there. Through my lens, with beautiful images of your tween, during a time in their life when they need it the most, we can show them how to have the confidence to be brave enough to be authentic, to be who they truly are.

Denver Tween Photography